Hans Pålsson in the press

In Sweden

”A formidably good pianist!”
”Hans Pålsson – the mature master”

Headlines in Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm

”A Mozart full of strength and magnificence. Pålsson´s Mozart is not a museum piece, but a highly spirited reality.”

”A vibrant sensibility of tone, a mass of ringing sensual subleties that made Scriabin´s mystical delicacies project like psychograms”

Dagens Nyheter

In the pianist Hans Pålsson´s artist´s soul dwell both a philosophical temperament and a prophetic spirit….A brilliant career!”

Svenska Dagbladet, Stockholm

”He plays Brahms with a maturity, a pondering gravity, that one otherwise only rarely finds in older masters….Hans Pålsson is a pianist of genius”

Göteborgs-Posten, Gothenburg

”The tour of Beethoven´s Opus 110 treated us to breathtakingly exciting vistas. What authority, what deep feeling that lay submerged in this very astute and creative performance!....Hans Pålsson´s technical skill, musical intelligence and extraordinary powers of characterization are well documented. But one never ceases to be amazed”

Sydsvenska Dagbladet (Sydsvenskan), Malmö

”A veritable Orpheus at the piano…Hans Pålsson has, like no other Swedish pianist, a sound brimming with personal touches, with timbre…His interpretation was in complete sympathy

Expressen, Stockholm

”We must from now on regard Hans Pålsson as a world-class pianist. There are few pianists to match his range, either artistically or when it comes to repertoire. But he possesses an even greater quality, i.e. the ability to develop effortlessly yet with inexorable consistency”

Aftonbladet, Stockholm

Beethoven´s 32 piano sonatas

Hans Pålsson played all the 32 piano sonatas of Ludwig van Beethoven in Stockholm Concert Hall at 8 concerts between 28 January and 13 february 2010.

From the reviews:

Sonata success.

Curageous performer.

He also has an original approach to the works which shines through uncompromisingly.

There is, at the same time, something accessible and profoundly human about his playing.

Pålsson is a romantic, but one who is able to keep his feeling under good control.

He does not look for sweetness, but, at some point, it finds him.

The intimate shared in an exemplary way.

…he reaches a level that few pianists ever achieve.

The large audience which follows him is holding its breath.

In music, moderation is an ideal only for mediocre performers and here was the opportunity to drink deep of the best there is in musical perfomance.

…both a great richness of textures along with an unmistakable love of the music.

Desmond Egan, Artistic Director of The Gerard Manley Hopkins Festival, Ireland:

With this series of Concerts, astonishing for its sheer stamina – but even more so, for the depth of understanding, the emotional intensity, the sheer artistry which he brings to his playing of each of Beethoven´s 32 Sonatas, Hans Pålsson firmly established himself as one of the great pianists of modern times. Bravissimo!


”The greatest piano concert I´ve ever attended.
...dexterous, virtuoso fluidity...interior yearning pathos.
Pålsson´s interpretive phrasing was masterly. He combined deep dramatic interiority that appeared spiritual with such clarity of phrasing, so that the sound of each note had its own texture and volume of weight. 
The audience left brimming with astonishment and joy. Hearing him play in concert may possibly change the way you listen to music”

The Millbrook Independent, New York

”The important  thing for Pålsson is to penetrate the logic and structure of the compositions, but also to provide an atmosphere of darkly romantic depth, often cloaked in a meditative and evocative chiaroscuro…Pålsson´s performance distinguished itself by its intensity and expressiveness. His power of interpretation, concentrated from beginning to end, plunged the audience into nearly religious emotion”

Il Giornale, Milan

”His rendition showed a variety that produced the most fascinating musical aspects…A great evening!”

Aftenposten, Oslo

”A distinguished, composed and well-proportioned performance, overflowing with rhytmic energy and musical rapture…A brilliantly clear, beautifully sonorous and lyrically motile rendering!”

Berlingske Tidende, Copenhagen

”One of the very finest chamber music recordings I have ever heard”

Syracuse Guide, USA

”With a finely chiselled and motor-directed delivery of Stravinsky, Hans Pålsson presented himself as a thoroughly knowledgeable interpreter of new music…He used his extraordinarily rich and differentiated touch with complete command in the Beethoven sonata. Splendid!”

Nordwest-Zeitung, Germany

”Hans Pålsson´s subtle delivery and brilliant technique was an unforgettable experience”

Wiadomosci, Poland

”Hans Pålsson played Beethoven with a rapt feeling for the music´s own innate momentum…In Debussy he confirmed that he does not lack for fireworks either”

The Guardian, London

”A recording of singular interpretational significance”

Fono Forum, Germany

”An accomplished artist who will no doubt develop a reputation outside his native country”

Gramophone, England